
Aaah things have been up and down a bit lately. There have been a few big downpoints in my life, and though now I can say "Be a Christian John. What would Mr Smith do? Think of what matters most [love] and practice it.]" Now when I’m being overloaded with work, people are yelling at me, I’m constantly aware of how busy I am, that’s when I start thinking "I’m really in the mood to kill someone." More often than not, I’ll grab someone by the throat or something along the lines. People are always "You wanna fight bitch?" And in those moods, I’m generally "Yeah, bring it on!" And then I’ll scare them, because it’s always the little guys that challenge me lol.

On the plus side, there’s been a load of great stuff too. I’ve been laughing a lot, amongst the bouts of depressed longing and general angst. For instance, debating. Our topic this week is "Slanderous advertising against politicians should be allowed." Mr Redden, our coach, thought it was against. We were trying to bounce ideas off him.
"What about freedom of speech?"
"Yeah, that’s good, except you shouldn’t use the words freedom of speech. That makes it sound like you’re supporting it."
"But we are sir. That’s what we’ve been trying to tell you."
"… Shit." *bites pie* "Shit, I need Alex."

Another wonderful, wonderful thing is; WATER POLO SEASON IS OVER!!!!!!
That means no more anti-drowning lessons. No more speedos, no more wet ass every other day, no more diving threats, no more being teased for sucking major-time in general, no more nothing. I’m free. If Mr Scott makes me dive by the end of this year, I’ll freaking track him down and eat his car. Anyways, it’s over. As promised, I said;
"Excuse me. I have something I need to do." Walked to the edge of the pool, pointed at the water and yelled "HA HA! I SURVIVED!"
No swimming pool is going to overcome me. It also means I can eat recess on Wednesdays and Fridays! ^^
Heh heh, I remember swimming along the side, after about 70m I was like spluttering.
"Damn water polo! Damn my weakness! Damn – Mr Scott! Damn-nation-to the-world!" *splutter choke cough gurgle drown*

Ahhh yeah, more stuff to ramble about! "Sir, have you seen Mr Scott?" "That’s me." "No, the other Mr Scott." "Oh, the less handsome one?" "Yessir, that’s him. He’s in charge of hockey." "Nah, haven’t seen him." "Okidokie." Then muttering under my breath "Ya ugly git." Later that day…
"Sir, do you know if Mr Scott’s here?"
"Yeah, he’s right over there son."
"No, I mean the other Mr Scott."
"Yeah, he’s right there in the corner." *knocks on glass office door*
"Is Mr Scott here?"
"What does he look like?"
"All I know is that he has glasses. And he’s in charge of hockey."
"The less handsome one sir."
"Oh yeah! That’s right John, ahhh heh heh. You see? This bloke knows his stuff."
"What do you think of that Mr Scott?" (One teacher asking the others)
(They reply) "Ah, yeah I think he’s orright."
"Okay then, whatever." (Me!) *leaves and walks down the stairs*
*Mr Scott follows* "John!"
"That was Mr Scott!"
"… You know sir. You could have told me."
"I was trying to!"
"Gah…" Yayza to glasses, downza to ugly gits. Meep meep! Lost? Good, me too.


Ahh gotta go, catch up later. Ciao bananas~

EDIT: And I’m back. Hm, on reflection there doesn’t seem much else worth mentioning. There was my epic struggle for my hockeystick though. Eugene decided he wanted to play with it, but because it’s such a precious position we wrestled for some half an hour with teachers walking past, one of them handing me my glasses case. Nice lady, I was lying on the bricks trying not to die. Nevermind, as long as I had my glasses case. I was really pushed to my physically weak limits, but hey, I tried. Suffered one hell of a lot and failed in the end, but I tried nevertheless. It’s always something to try.

I love Ivy to the death. She means more to me than chocolate means to you. Not that I don’t like chocolate or anything, no offence to all those chocolate lovers out there. Eeeeeeeh I’m gonna go now. Laters~

PS: I love Ivy

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